Sakaguchi and Sakaguchi with Milk
CAMTA - Tome-Açu - Pará
"I am a continuation of my father's legacy, the
mentor intellectual of the agroforestry system"


“In natural agriculture, there is a great influence of nature on the flavor and aroma of fruits and, consequently, on the product of these fruits. Within a harmonious environment, you don't force anyone to produce anything, but let Nature follow its rhythm. Since I was a kid, my father asked me to do the cocoa fermentation process. Even so, I have a keen sensitivity, which I developed in practice, smelling, looking at the physical aspect of the cocoa, squeezing the almonds, looking, we develop these senses in a very peculiar way”.


“I feel like a continuation of a legacy my father left. The agroforestry system took root here in Tomé-Açú, farmers take care of their own land, but I believe that innovations within this production chain are yet to emerge here. Thinking about agriculture in general, in our country, I believe it is inevitable that people understand that the agroforestry system is the best way, especially for fruit growing”.

“I was interested and curious about how to make chocolate and how the Cooperativa Mista de Agricultores de Tomé-Açú, CAMTA, of which I was the director, could enter that branch. But I didn't understand anything about chocolate or how to start trying a production. In 2012, I got to know César's work, we got closer, I ended up presenting our cocoa and he decided to make the chocolate. I thought it was great to see our family name on the De Mendes chocolate. It was always a cherished dream. Being a commercial partner of César's company is a great honor and a great portal for my products.


"There are some people saying that Brazil's extensive agricultural system is a threat to the system, but that's just one point of view."



"My dream is that Brazil recognizes the system as a permanent area of preservation or environmental reserve, so that our agriculture can go hand in hand with the system".